Published: August 2015
We will update our FAQs monthly in order to provide you with the most up-to-date information about our gender reassignment service and its performance.
As of the end of July 2015:
- There are 377 people on our waiting list.
- 17 people have been approved for their operation and given a date
- 68 people have been approved for their operation and are awaiting a date
- 45 people are 'on hold' as they are not yet fit for surgery
- 227 people are waiting for an initial consultation with the consultant
- 6 patients left the waiting list without surgery (this includes patients who have been discharged back for not attending their appointments or who no longer wish to proceed with surgery)
- The average waiting time is 87.5 weeks. This includes delays for hair removal/delays due to the patient being unfit for surgery.
- Between June and July 40 patients were transferred to Parkside
During July 2015:
- 10 people had surgery (3 procedures were performed by Phil Thomas and 7 by Tina Rashid)
- 5 pre-operative assessments were carried out
- We received 15 new referrals
- 5 Imperial patients were treated by a private provider
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