Vitamins - how much do we need?

Our understanding of vitamins has come a long way in the two centuries since an English naval doctor showed that adding citrus fruit to sailor's diets could prevent scurvy.

What are vitamins?

The word vitamin is derived from the term 'vital amine', given to vitamins by the scientists who discovered …

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Who needs vitamin and mineral supplements?


The use of vitamin and mineral supplements is growing rapidly. This article describes the effects of common supplements and asserts that for most people they are an unnecessary waste of money. However, they can be a useful adjunct to the diet for certain vulnerable groups.

Dietary supplements are big …

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Hormonal Involvement in Brain Functions


Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone, TH) is a condition that causes a decline in metabolic function that slows arterial blood flow and impedes the delivery of key nutrients and oxygen to the brain. As a result, the person both thinks and moves more slowly. If not treated in time …

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